Pharmaceutical Sales Training Manual Free Download

The CNPR Training program is the only accredited education program that is available to entry level pharmaceutical sales candidates. I took the course back in 2003 and the NAPSRx CNPR Training is the reason I ended up becoming a pharmaceutical sales rep with Watson Pharmaceuticals. The CNPR Training program is the only accredited education program that is available to entry level pharmaceutical sales candidates. I took the course back in 2003 and the NAPSRx CNPR Training is the reason I ended up becoming a pharmaceutical sales rep with Watson Pharmaceuticals. (R&D) through aggressive sales and promotion of pharmaceutical products in the health care marketplace. Salespersons workingforthese companiesare engagedin a variety of 'externally orientedactivities' andmustperformat this intersection ofthe profit motive and human health care. From 1989 to 1998, I was a pharmaceutical.

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NAPSRx® Exam Quiz Answer (***** 90% Score *****) Latest

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Pharmaceutical sales training certification


1. How are drugs sorted into therapeutic groups and classes?

A. first by the conditions that they are used to treat. and then by their mechanisms of action

B. first by their mechanisms of action. and then by their therapeutic effects

C. first by their side effects. and then by their therapeutic effects

D. first by their toxicity. and then by their effectiveness

2. Bone marrow transplants...

A. require that the patient first undergo chemotherapy or radiation to kill the diseased stem cells and promote white blood cell production.

B. are a type of stem cell therapy. unless patient's own cells are reinjected.

C. are always a type of stem cell therapy.

D. can help people with leukemia. a condition in which the body does not produce enough white blood cells.

3. What does AMA stand for?

A. American Medical Academy

B. American Medical Accreditation

C. American Medical Association

D. Association of Medical Assistants

4. What section of a drug's package insert describes situations in which the drug should not be used because the risks outweigh the therapeutic benefits?

A. adverse reactions

B. contraindications

C. overdosage

D. warning/precautions

5 What is tertiary care?


A. adding medications together to achieve a better clinical effect

B. highly specialized medical and surgical care provided by a large medical center for unusual or complex medical problems

C. receiving medical or surgical care that does not require an overnight stay in the treatment facility

D. seeing a physician for routine checkups and general healthcare

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in the classic approach to brand development strategy covered in your manual?

Pharmaceutical Sales Training Manual Free Download

Free Pharmaceutical Sales Training

A. brand personality

B. brand positoning

C. brand quality

D. brand values

7 What are vasodilators used to do?

A. decrease vascular resistance and increase blood flow

B. mimic pathogens to stimulate the immune system

C. narrow the blood vessels

D.stimulate the CNS to make the heart beat faster

8. What is the name of the condition that occurs after a specific dose of a drug is given at such regular intervals that absorption and elimination (and therefore drug plasma concentration) have become fairly constant?

A. homeostasis

B. steady state

C. titration

D. tolerance

9. Which statement is TRUE about ocular administration?

A. Ocular administration is primarily for drugs that must cross the blood-brain barrier.

B. Ocular administration is used primarily to treat the eye.

C. Ocular administration is used when a drug must enter the bloodstream immediately.

D. Ocular administration is used when a drug must produce immediate effects on the brain or spinal cord.

10. Which entities invest's the most money in pharmaceutical R&D?

A. Canadian pharmaceutical companies

B. the NIH

C. the U.S. Government

D.U.S. pharmaceutical companies

------Total:160 Questions

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National Association of Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives (NAPSRx®)