Users Manual For The Peer Ground Motion Database Web Application

  • Software Testing Dictionary

Slack is where work flows. It's where the people you need, the information you share, and the tools you use come together to get things done.

Welcome to the PEER Ground Motion Database. The web-based Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) ground motion database provides tools for searching, selecting and downloading ground motion data. ALL downloaded records are UNSCALED and as-recorded (UNROTATED). A new interactive web-based application now allows engineers and researchers to search, select, download, and scale records to match a target response spectrum. All ground motion records in the database have been rotated to the fault-normal and fault-parallel directions, and have been flagged for the presence of velocity pulses. Being a web app means that your engineers can change it at any moment. That means you need to be able to update the documentation just as fast. Being a web app means that it will run on multiple browswers. That means that user assistance has to be available in every environment where app might run. In addition to the features provided in the previous release, PEER Ground Motion Database – Beta Version provides a supplementary search engine to allow users to search the database by NGA numbers, earthquake names, and station names. The new search engine gives users flexibility to inspect any record in the database. Format Details: PEER STRONG MOTION DATABASE RECORD. PROCESSING BY (PACIFIC ENGINEERING or other data provider) Earthquake name, date, and time; station location; record component; data source and station number (if available) Acceleration, velocity, or displacement and units. Filter points (optional). NPTS (number of points).

  • Selected Reading

What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke Testing is a testing technique that is inspired from hardware testing, which checks for the smoke from the hardware components once the hardware's power is switched on. Similarly in Software testing context, smoke testing refers to testing the basic functionality of the build.

If the Test fails, build is declared as unstable and it is NOT tested anymore until the smoke test of the build passes.


User's Manual For The Peer Ground Motion Database Web Application For Windows 7

Smoke Testing - Features:

User's Manual For The Peer Ground Motion Database Web Application For Windows 10

  • Identifying the business critical functionalities that a product must satisfy.

  • Designing and executing the basic functionalities of the application.

  • Ensuring that the smoke test passes each and every build in order to proceed with the testing.

  • Smoke Tests enables uncovering obvious errors which saves time and effort of test team.

  • Smoke Tests can be manual or automated.